Publication Update W35 2017

With a little bit of delay today, here is the summary of the last week:

And the three papers in a BIB-file. Enjoy reading!

Publication Update W34 2017

Looks like it was a good week. One paper in Optica, one in Nature Photonics and the results from a large collaboration on Arxiv:

Update (23.08.2017): and the BIB-file.

Publication Update W32 2017

The two latest publications on Kerr frequency combs are listed below.

And as a bonus an recent publication on Raman lasers in microresonators.

And, again, the BIB-file of all these references. If anything is missing, please send me an email!

Publication Update W31 2017

And the references as BIB file exported from Zotero.

Update (15.08.2017):